connect(dsn, options)

Establish a connection to an EdgeDB server.

  • dsn (string) – If this parameter does not start with edgedb:// then this is a name of an instance.Otherwise it specifies a single string in the connection URI format: edgedb://user:password@host:port/database?option=value. The following options are recognized: host, port, user, database, password.

  • options – Connection parameters object.

  • options.host (string|string[]) – Database host address as one of the following:

    • an IP address or a domain name;
    • an absolute path to the directory containing the database server Unix-domain socket (not supported on Windows);
    • an array of any of the above, in which case the addresses will be tried in order, and the first successful connection will be returned.
    If not specified, the following will be tried, in order:
    • host address(es) parsed from the dsn argument,
    • the value of the EDGEDB_HOST environment variable,
    • on Unix, common directories used for EdgeDB Unix-domain sockets: "/run/edgedb" and "/var/run/edgedb",
    • "localhost".

  • options.port (number|number[]) – Port number to connect to at the server host (or Unix-domain socket file extension). If multiple host addresses are specified, this parameter may specify an array of port numbers of the same length as the host array, or it may specify a single port number to be used for all host addresses.If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the EDGEDB_PORT environment variable, or 5656 if neither is specified.

  • options.admin (boolean) – If true, try to connect to the special administration socket.

  • options.user (string) – The name of the database role used for authentication.If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the EDGEDB_USER environment variable, or the operating system name of the user running the application.

  • options.database (string) – The name of the database to connect to.If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the EDGEDB_DATABASE environment variable, or the operating system name of the user running the application.

  • options.password (string) – Password to be used for authentication, if the server requires one. If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the EDGEDB_PASSWORD environment variable. Note that the use of the environment variable is discouraged as other users and applications may be able to read it without needing specific privileges.

  • options.timeout (number) – Connection timeout in seconds.


Returns a Promise of an Connection().


// Use the Node.js assert library to test results.
const assert = require("assert");
const edgedb = require("edgedb");

async function main() {
  const conn = await edgedb.connect({
    dsn: "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/"

    let data = await conn.queryOne("SELECT 1 + 1");

    // The result is a number 2.
    assert(typeof data === "number");
    assert(data === 2);
  } finally {


For compatibility this function also supports passing options as the first argument:

await connect({host: 'localhost', port: 5656})
// or
await connect({dsn: 'edgedb://localhost'})

But this form is deprecated and will be removed in the future.


A representation of a database session.

Connection() is not meant to be instantiated directly; connect() should be used instead.

Some methods take query arguments as optional args:

  • single values of any of the basic types recognized by EdgeDB

  • an Array of values of any of the basic types

  • an object with property names and values corresponding to argument names and values of any of the basic types

Connection.execute(query: string)

Execute an EdgeQL command (or commands).

  • query – Query text.

The commands must take no arguments.


await con.execute(`
    CREATE TYPE MyType {
        CREATE PROPERTY a -> int64
    FOR x IN {100, 200, 300}
    UNION INSERT MyType { a := x };
Connection.query(query: string, args)

Run a query and return the results as a Set() instance.

This method takes optional query arguments.

Connection.queryOne(query: string, args)

Run a singleton-returning query and return its element.

This method takes optional query arguments.

The query must return exactly one element. If the query returns more than one element or an empty set, an Error is thrown.

Connection.queryJSON(query: string, args)

Run a query and return the results as JSON.

This method takes optional query arguments.

Caution is advised when reading decimal or bigint values using this method. The JSON specification does not have a limit on significant digits, so a decimal or a bigint number can be losslessly represented in JSON. However, JSON decoders in JavaScript will often read all such numbers as number values, which may result in precision loss. If such loss is unacceptable, then consider casting the value into str and decoding it on the client side into a more appropriate type, such as BigInt.

Connection.queryOneJSON(query: string, args)

Run a singleton-returning query and return its element in JSON.

This method takes optional query arguments.

The query must return exactly one element. If the query returns more than one element or an empty set, an Error is thrown.

Caution is advised when reading decimal or bigint values using this method. The JSON specification does not have a limit on significant digits, so a decimal or a bigint number can be losslessly represented in JSON. However, JSON decoders in JavaScript will often read all such numbers as number values, which may result in precision loss. If such loss is unacceptable, then consider casting the value into str and decoding it on the client side into a more appropriate type, such as BigInt.

Connection.retryingTransaction<T>(action: func)

Execute a retryable transaction.

This is the preferred method of initiating and running a database transaction in a robust fashion. The retryingTransaction() method will attempt to re-execute the transaction body if a transient error occurs, such as a network error or a transaction serialization error.

See Transactions for more details.


await con.retryingTransaction(async tx => {
    let value = await tx.queryOne("SELECT Counter.value")
    await tx.execute(
        "UPDATE Counter SET { value := <int64>$value",
        value=value + 1,

Note that we are executing queries on the tx object rather than on the original connection con.

Connection.rawTransaction<T>(action: func)

Execute a non-retryable transaction.

Contrary to retryingTransaction(), rawTransaction() will not attempt to re-run the nested code block in case a retryable error happens.

This is a low-level API and it is advised to use the retryingTransaction() method instead.


await con.rawTransaction(async tx => {
    let value = await tx.queryOne("SELECT Counter.value");
    await tx.execute(
        "UPDATE Counter SET { value := <int64>$value",

Note that we are executing queries on the tx object, rather than on the original connection con.

Connection.transaction(action: func, options?: TransactionOptions)

Deprecated: Use retryingTransaction<T>() or rawTransaction<T>().

Executes a given action in transaction.

  • action – Function to be executed in transaction.

  • options – Transaction parameters object.

  • options.deferrable (boolean|undefined) – If specified, enables DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE option for the transaction.

  • options.readonly (boolean|undefined) – If specified, enables either READ ONLY or READ WRITE option for the transaction.

  • options.isolation (IsolationLevel|undefined) – If specified, enables either REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation level for the transaction.

If an exception occurs during the execution of the given function argument, the transaction is automatically rolled back and the exception is rethrown. Otherwise, the transaction is committed.


await con.transaction(async () => {
    await con.execute(`
        INSERT Example {
            name := 'Test Transaction 1'
    await con.execute("SELECT 1 / 0;");

// nested transactions are supported
// and handle save points
await con.transaction(async () => {

    // nested transaction
    await con.transaction(async () => {
        await con.execute(`
            INSERT Example {
                name := 'Test Transaction 2'

Close the connection gracefully.

createPool(dsn, options)
Create a connection pool to an EdgeDB server.

If this parameter does not start with edgedb:// then this is a name of an instance.

Otherwise it specifies a single string in the connection URI format:

  • dsn (string) – If this parameter does not start with edgedb:// then this is a name of an instance.Otherwise it specifies a single string in the connection URI format: edgedb://user:password@host:port/database?option=value. The following options are recognized: host, port, user, database, password.

  • options – Connection pool parameters object.

  • options.connectOptions (ConnectConfig) – Connection parameters object, used when establishing new connections. Refer to the documentation at Connection.

  • options.minSize (number) – The minimum number of connections initialized by the connection pool. If not specified, this value is by default 0: the first connection is created when required.

  • options.maxSize (number) – The maximum number of connections created by the connection pool. If not specified, this value is by default 100.

  • options.onAcquire (func) – Optional callback, called when a connection is acquired. (conn: Connection) => Promise<void>

  • options.onRelease (func) – Optional callback, called when a connection is released. (conn: Connection) => Promise<void>

  • options.onConnect (func) – Optional callback, called when a new connection is created. (conn: Connection) => Promise<void>

  • options.connectionFactory (func) – Optional function, used to obtain a new connection. By default, the function is connect() (options?: ConnectConfig) => Promise<Connection>


Returns a Promise of a Pool().

For compatibility this function also supports passing options as the first argument:

await createPool({
  maxSize: 10,
  connectOptions: {dsn: 'edgedb://localhost'},

But this form is deprecated and will be removed in the future.


A connection pool is used to manage a set of connections to a database. Since opening connections is an expensive operation, connection pools are used to maintain and reuse connections, enhancing the performance of database interactions.

Pools must be created using the method createPool:

const edgedb = require("edgedb");

async function main() {
    const pool = await edgedb.createPool(

    try {
        let data = await pool.queryOne("SELECT [1, 2, 3]");

    } finally {
        // in this example, the pool is closed after a single
        // operation; in real scenarios a pool is initialized
        // at application startup, and closed at application shutdown
        await pool.close();


The pool accepts the following parameters:

Pool.execute(query: string)

Acquire a connection, then execute an EdgeQL command (or commands). The commands must take no arguments.

  • query – Query text.

await pool.execute(`
    CREATE TYPE MyType {
        CREATE PROPERTY a -> int64
    FOR x IN {100, 200, 300}
    UNION INSERT MyType { a := x };
Pool.query(query: string, args)

Acquire a connection, then run a query and return the results as a Set() instance.

This method takes optional query arguments.

const items = await pool.query(
    `SELECT Movie {
        director: {
        actors: {
    FILTER .id = <uuid>$id;`,
        id: movieId,
Pool.queryOne(query: string, args)

Acquire a connection, then run a query that returns a single item and return its result.

This method takes optional query arguments.

The query must return exactly one element. If the query returns more than one element or an empty set, an Error is thrown.

await pool.queryOne("SELECT 1");
Pool.queryJSON(query: string, args)

Acquire a connection, then run a query and return the results as JSON.

This method takes optional query arguments.

Pool.queryOneJSON(query: string, args)

Acquire a connection, then run a singleton-returning query and return its element in JSON.

This method takes optional query arguments.

The query must return exactly one element. If the query returns more than one element or an empty set, an Error is thrown.


Acquire a connection proxy, which provides access to an open database connection. The proxy must be released to return the connection to the pool.


const connection = await pool.acquire();
let value: number;

try {
    value = await connection.queryOne("select 1");
} finally {
    await pool.release(connection);
Pool.release(conn: Connection)

Release a previously acquired connection proxy, to return it to the pool.

Pool.run<T>(action: func)

Acquire a connection and use it to run the given action that accepts a connection, and return T, which is any type returned by the user’s defined function argument. The connection is automatically returned to the pool.


const result = await pool.run(async (connection) => {
    return await connection.queryOne("SELECT 1");
Pool.retryingTransaction<T>(action: func)

Execute a retryable transaction.

This is the preferred method of initiating and running a database transaction in a robust fashion. The retryingTransaction() method will attempt to re-execute the transaction body if a transient error occurs, such as a network error or a transaction serialization error.

See Transactions for more details.


await pool.retryingTransaction(async tx => {
    let value = await tx.queryOne("SELECT Counter.value")
    await tx.execute(
        "UPDATE Counter SET { value := <int64>$value",
        value=value + 1,

Note that we are executing queries on the tx object rather than on the original connection pool pool.

Pool.rawTransaction<T>(action: func)

Execute a non-retryable transaction.

Contrary to retryingTransaction(), rawTransaction() will not attempt to re-run the nested code block in case a retryable error happens.

This is a low-level API and it is advised to use the retryingTransaction() method instead.


await pool.rawTransaction(async tx => {
    let value = await tx.queryOne("SELECT Counter.value");
    await tx.execute(
        "UPDATE Counter SET { value := <int64>$value",

Note that we are executing queries on the tx object, rather than on the original connection pool pool.


Return information about the current state of the pool. Information includes the number of currently open connections and the number of pending consumers awaiting an available connection.


const stats = pool.getStats();
const queueLength = stats.queueLength;
const openConnections = stats.openConnections;

Expire all currently open connections. Cause all currently open connections to be replaced when they are acquired by the next .acquire() call.


Close the connection pool gracefully. When a connection pool is closed, all its underlying connections are awaited to complete their pending operations, then closed. A warning is produced if the pool takes more than 60 seconds to close.


Terminate all connections in the pool, closing all connections non gracefully. If the pool is already closed, return without doing anything.
