Migration tools

EdgeDB provides schema migration tools as server-side tools. This means that from the point of view of the application migrations are language- and platform-agnostic and don’t require additional libraries.

Using the migration tools is the recommended way to make schema changes.

First of all, the migration tools need a place to store the schema and migration information. By default they will look in dbschema directory, but it’s also possible to specify any other location by using schema-dir option. Inside this directory there should be an .esdl file with SDL schema description. It’s also possible to split the schema definition across multiple .esdl files. The migration tools will read all of them and treat them as a single SDL document.

The next step after setting up the desired target schema is creating a migration script. This is done by invoking the following command:

edgedb [connection-option...] create-migration [OPTIONS]

This will start an interactive tool that will provide the user with suggestions based on the differences between the current database and the schema file. The prompts will look something like this:

did you create object type 'default::User'? [y,n,l,c,b,s,q,?]

y - confirm the prompt, use the DDL statements
n - reject the prompt
l - list the DDL statements associated with prompt
c - list already confirmed EdgeQL statements
b - revert back to previous save point, perhaps previous question
s - stop and save changes (splits migration into multiple)
q - quit without saving changes
h or ? - print help

See the Common Connection Options. The create-migration command runs on the database it is connected to.


Directory where the schema files are located. Defaults to ./dbschema.


Create a new migration even if there are no changes. This is useful for creating migration stubs for data-only migrations.


Do not prompts user for input. By default this works only if there are only “safe” changes to be done unless --allow-unsafe is also specified.


Apply the most probable unsafe changes in case there are any. This is only useful in non-interactive mode.

Once the migration scripts are in place the changes can be applied to the database by this command:

edgedb [connection-option...] migrate [OPTIONS]

The tool will find all the unapplied migrations in dbschema/migrations/ directory and sequentially run them on the target instance.


See the Common Connection Options. The migrate command runs on the database it is connected to.


Directory where the schema files are located. Defaults to ./dbschema.


Upgrade to a specified revision.

Unique prefix of the revision can be specified instead of full revision name.

If this revision is applied, the command is no-op. The command ensures that this revision present, but it’s not an error if more revisions are applied on top.

Show all migration versions.

edgedb [connection-option...] migration-log [OPTIONS]

The tool will display the migration history either by reading it from the EdgeDB instance or from the schema directory.


See the Common Connection Options. The migration-log command runs on the database it is connected to.


Directory where the schema files are located. Defaults to ./dbschema.


Print revisions from the database (no schema files required). At least one of --from-db or --from-fs is required for migration-log command.


Print revisions from the schema directory (no database connection required). At least one of --from-db or --from-fs is required for migration-log command.


Sort migrations starting from newer to older, by default older revisions go first.


Show maximum of N revisions (default is unlimited).

Show current migration state.

edgedb [connection-option...] show-status [OPTIONS]

The tool will show how the state of the schema in the EdgeDB instance compares to the migrations stored in the schema directory.


See the Common Connection Options. The show-status command runs on the database it is connected to.


Directory where the schema files are located. Defaults to ./dbschema.


Do not print any messages, only indicate success by exit status.
